5 Fragen an Angie & Manuel

5 questions to Angie & Manuel

von Teresa Nguyen

08 September 2022

We are proud to bring you newkee, a new, innovative range of products for an optimal morning routine and comprehensive skin and hair care - and we are excited to tell you more about it. Today we answer 5 frequently asked questions about newkee.

Where does the name "newkee | care essentials" come from and what does it stand for?

Manuel: "newkee is the new key for skin care that makes no compromises. For us, this means that with newkee we are opening up a new world of care products and a new chapter: with a few, selected products for hair and skin that are coordinated in their ingredients..."

Angelique: "... and really only contain the essentials. We deliberately avoid colourants, fragrances and preservatives, silicones, parabens and microplastics."


Manuel: "For us, the essential character at newkee is enormously important: You don't need more than our range to optimally care for your skin and hair - everything that is important is in there. We wanted to keep everything as simple as possible. That's why we numbered our products to give the daily skincare routine a certain flow - just like we have a routine in sports."

Angelique: "For me, we are breaking a whole new ground here: Because for me, newkee is a sustainable, innovative way of skincare. We have developed products that you can trust 100% and that care for your skin the way it needs it. To do this, we rely on natural, vegan ingredients with maximum compatibility."

To what extent did you personally get involved in the development of the products?

Angelique: "As athletes who train a lot and shower often, we know exactly what is important in daily skin care: which ingredients are good for my skin and which are not. We were able to incorporate this knowledge perfectly into the development of the products."

Manuel: "We both have a history of skin diseases. In my case, skin cancer on my face, which meant I had to have three operations. When it came to sunscreen, we therefore paid attention to maximum protection: Since we constantly train outside and also like to spend our free time in nature, it is essential for us to start with modern sun protection filters and with SPF 50+. So we know exactly that we have a sunscreen that protects us for a long time and with which hardly anything can burn."

Angelique: "Exactly. Especially with the sunscreen, it was important to us that you can start actively right after application and a short exposure, and that the protection lasts for a long time."

Manuel: "When it came to the choice of ingredients, it was clear from the beginning that we wouldn't do any big experiments, but still move with the times. We want to be special and keep it simple at the same time: Climate neutral and with recyclable packaging materials, without microplastics and with 100% vegan ingredients. Plus, I don't think it takes a range of fragrances to feel fresh and cared for - a neutral, natural scent is always the best. That's why newkee products are all fragrance-free."

Active people sweat. How do the products react – do they sweat out?

Angelique: "No, absolutely not. Especially for us as athletes, it was important to develop products that support the skin in an active lifestyle. Of course, that doesn't work if everything flows out again straight away. That was also our main demand on the sunscreen: that it performs perfectly even with an active lifestyle. I pay a lot of attention that my sunscreen is absorbed directly, that you don't sweat even more through the cream - and of course that it stays on the skin when you sweat."

Manuel: "We are on the pitch several times a day for training. It's normal to sweat a lot – and our sun protection products have to keep up with that."

Angelique: "Of course, you have to reapply the sunscreen regularly, just like all other sunscreen products, if you are in the sun for a long time. This is important to maintain protection, and our newkee sunscreen is no exception. We all want to give our skin the most sun protection possible, so reapplying is just part of that."

Was the product developed only for active young people or is it aimed at all active people, regardless of age?

Angelique: "We developed our products based on our experiences as athletes and adapted them accordingly. But our goal is that all people with an active lifestyle benefit from our experience – no matter if young or old."

Manuel: "The skin has a right to care at any age, so we don't make any distinction there. Especially when it comes to sun protection, every skin needs to be protected from the sun's rays - the earlier you start, the better.

Angelique: "That's why age doesn't matter to us. We have developed the products for everyone who leads an active life and is looking for high-quality care. If you value simple, selected ingredients, want to do without unnecessary additives and want to be mindful of nature, you can reach for newkee without worry.

What are your personal essentials in the newkee range?

Manuel: "That's a difficult question, because in my eyes all the newkee products are really great. For me, the daily sunscreen 50+ is a special highlight, also due to the skin cancer I had on my face. Accordingly, there is no way around modern sun protection for me. Here, newkee simply offers the perfect products."

Angelique: "For me, it's definitely the hand cream. I always have it with me: in my hand luggage or in my handbag, in summer or in winter, simply everywhere and at all times. My hands are very important to me, especially when playing tennis. And the newkee hand cream is the perfect companion for every day.


10 Red Flags für deine Hautpflege – und wie du sie vermeiden kannst.

10 Red Flags für deine Hautpflege – und wie du sie vermeiden kannst.

Wir zeigen dir, was du für ein gesundes Hautbild unbedingt vermeiden solltest und wie sich Schlafmangel, Alkohol, Nikotin und Unverträglichkeiten auf deine Haut auswirken.

Sonnenbrand? 6 Tipps, die deiner Haut garantiert helfen!

Sonnenbrand? 6 Tipps, die deiner Haut garantiert helfen!

Sonnencreme vergessen? Wir zeigen dir, was bei Sonnenbrand mit deiner Haut passiert und was du konkret tun kannst, um deine Haut bei der Abheilung und Regeneration zu unterstützen.

So schützt du Tattoos richtig vor der Sonne

So schützt du Tattoos richtig vor der Sonne

Tattoos reagieren besonders empfindlich auf die Sonne. Im Artikel erfährst du, wie du Tätowierungen vor UV-Strahlen, Ausbleichen & Trockenheit schützen kannst – und was hilft, wenn dein Tattoo einen Sonnenbrand abbekommen hat.

Auf diese Inhaltsstoffe vertrauen wir

We trust in these ingredients

Why was it so important to Angie and Manu to develop products without perfume and fragrance and what else can our products do? Spoiler: Yes, they are indeed 100% vegan!

Die Gründerstory von newkee

The minds behind newkee – part 2

How long did the development take, are chemical sun filters used and why is there no facial cleansing product? We explain this and much more in the second part of "The minds behind newkee".

Finde die richtige Pflege für deinen Hauttyp!

Get the right care for your skin type!

Do you know your skin type? We show you how to easily determine your individual skin type and which care products suit your skin's needs - whether oily, dry, sensitive, normal or combination skin.

Das sind die newkee care essentials

This are the newkee care essentials

Angelique Kerber and Manuel Neuer have developed a care series with PAEDIPROTECT. Read here why the two are very demanding when it comes to care products and what makes newkee special.

Warum guter Sonnenschutz so wichtig ist!

Why good sunscreen is so important!

What is the difference between UV-B and UV-A radiation and how do UV filters actually work? Find out about this and why Angie & Manu are so enthusiastic about the newkee sunscreen in our blog.

5 Fragen an Angie & Manuel

5 questions to Angie & Manuel

Where does the name newkee come from, how did two professional athletes like Angelique Kerber and Manuel Neuer come to launch their own skin and hair care range and what role does the sun play in this?

Die richtige Hautpflege bei Pigmentflecken

Die richtige Hautpflege bei Pigmentflecken

Pigmentflecken entstehen durch eine Überproduktion von Melanin. Wir zeigen dir, wie du eine Hyperpigmentierung erkennst und was du dagegen tun kannst.

10 Red Flags für deine Hautpflege – und wie du sie vermeiden kannst.

10 Red Flags für deine Hautpflege – und wie du sie vermeiden kannst.

Wir zeigen dir, was du für ein gesundes Hautbild unbedingt vermeiden solltest und wie sich Schlafmangel, Alkohol, Nikotin und Unverträglichkeiten auf deine Haut auswirken.

Sonnenbrand? 6 Tipps, die deiner Haut garantiert helfen!

Sonnenbrand? 6 Tipps, die deiner Haut garantiert helfen!

Sonnencreme vergessen? Wir zeigen dir, was bei Sonnenbrand mit deiner Haut passiert und was du konkret tun kannst, um deine Haut bei der Abheilung und Regeneration zu unterstützen.

So schützt du Tattoos richtig vor der Sonne

So schützt du Tattoos richtig vor der Sonne

Tattoos reagieren besonders empfindlich auf die Sonne. Im Artikel erfährst du, wie du Tätowierungen vor UV-Strahlen, Ausbleichen & Trockenheit schützen kannst – und was hilft, wenn dein Tattoo einen Sonnenbrand abbekommen hat.

Auf diese Inhaltsstoffe vertrauen wir

We trust in these ingredients

Why was it so important to Angie and Manu to develop products without perfume and fragrance and what else can our products do? Spoiler: Yes, they are indeed 100% vegan!

Die Gründerstory von newkee

The minds behind newkee – part 2

How long did the development take, are chemical sun filters used and why is there no facial cleansing product? We explain this and much more in the second part of "The minds behind newkee".

Finde die richtige Pflege für deinen Hauttyp!

Get the right care for your skin type!

Do you know your skin type? We show you how to easily determine your individual skin type and which care products suit your skin's needs - whether oily, dry, sensitive, normal or combination skin.

Das sind die newkee care essentials

This are the newkee care essentials

Angelique Kerber and Manuel Neuer have developed a care series with PAEDIPROTECT. Read here why the two are very demanding when it comes to care products and what makes newkee special.

Warum guter Sonnenschutz so wichtig ist!

Why good sunscreen is so important!

What is the difference between UV-B and UV-A radiation and how do UV filters actually work? Find out about this and why Angie & Manu are so enthusiastic about the newkee sunscreen in our blog.

5 Fragen an Angie & Manuel

5 questions to Angie & Manuel

Where does the name newkee come from, how did two professional athletes like Angelique Kerber and Manuel Neuer come to launch their own skin and hair care range and what role does the sun play in this?
